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Repurposed Pallet Summer House

Repurposed Pallet Summer House

Our customer was looking to construct a summer house in their garden at a reasonable cost. In addition, they wanted to reuse materials rather than buying new, in an effort to be more environmentally friendly.

Constructing the wooden pallet summer house

The customer purchased eight repurposed pallets from KR BON to construct their new outdoor space. Three large pallets were cut to shape to create the structure of the summer house. They deconstructed the wood from the remaining five pieces to clad the interior of the summer house.

Additionally, they purchased second hand doors and windows from Facebook Marketplace to finish the build, ensuring all materials were reused.

Frame of repurposed wooden pallet summer house in garden.
Inside view of repurposed wooden pallet summer house, looking out onto the garden.
Front door view of repurposed wooden pallet summer house in garden.
Repurposed wooden pallet summer house in a sunny garden with bunting and BBQ.

...and it's complete!

Our customer found the process of repurposing pallets into a summer house cost effective and satisfying, and was pleased with the final result. The space is relaxing, and adapts to the varying weather in Scotland; cool in the Summer, and cosy in the Winter.

If you’re thinking about taking on a similar project, their advice is to make sure you account for extra costs, such as screws and roofing materials. Additionally, it is important to consider any variations in the repurposed wood.

You can purchase pallets on our website, with options for pick-up and delivery in Aberdeenshire and surrounding areas. The packs of repurposed pallets may vary in size and colour. Customers are welcome to visit our yard in Newburgh, Aberdeenshire to view what we have in stock, and select items individually.

For more examples of how you can use our repurposed materials for your next project, check out our other Case Studies.

Ready to start your DIY project? Visit our Shop to purchase repurposed materials.

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